Beloved Heart

The Power of Love & Forgiveness
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Meet Anne

This website came about because I wish to share my experiences on the power of Love and Forgiveness. This world is a beautiful world when you see it through the eyes of Love. It brings smiles and happiness in my life.

My name is Anne and in December 2012 I was questioning myself about my life, lying on my bed one night and thinking. I have a good life, a house that is paid for, a beautiful family, I love my work, pets and so on and yet I asked myself, why is it that I feel I am missing something??? Then at that moment came the answer. My whole bedroom lit up with so many lights, blue, pink, yellow, gold, white, and violet, it was like a big fireworks display. Many days followed with me seeing these beautiful lights.

It was amazing and then suddenly I felt love coming down in my heart, it was so beautiful and peaceful.

I always have believed there is a God and angels but no more than that. Let me tell you, it is so much more than what we think it is. We are totally LOVE and we are never alone.

I will do my best to share with you my understanding and experiences with simplicity.



Meet Deborah Faith

Anne and myself were introduced to each other through the intervention of Archangel Michael. Since even before 2011 this beloved Archangel has been a very active part of my life. He has helped me overcome so many obstacles, the most prevalent being about self love and forgiveness. Others I could forgive, even those that had caused deep hurts in my life, but to forgive myself became a milestone I couldn’t have overcome without Michael’s healing love. His powerful radiating presence has become a constant in my life and has transformed me more than words can ever convey.

Thank you for visiting with us! We do love and appreciate your love and light! To read more about me please visit

Deborah Faith


Arderne Gardens Norfolk Pine
Archangel Michael Speaks

The Power of Love and Forgiveness

( (loveirst we will look at the power of Intention.

Understand that intent creates action, it gives energy purpose and sets the wheels of creation into motion, creating e – motion.  In other words energy in motion.

The intention to forgive, both the receiving and giving of forgiveness, unlocks “the ties that bind” within the cellular structures of the body and allows for full healing to take place.  One might say it softens the heart and opens the doorway or passageway through which healing energy can flow into the body, mind and emotions. Love is this healing energy.

Just like the energy of gratitude unlocks abundance, love and forgiveness  unlock healing allowing the cells of the body to begin the healing process.  This healing infiltrates and assimilates into the physical body at a deep cellular level both within and without.

Understand that we are all one body of energy and that there is no separation between us and therefore it is not necessary to say to oneself,  “I have nothing to forgive myself for or anyone else for that matter.”  

Look around you, there are billions of “you” incarnate on the planet and a whole lot more in the astral realm who are in-between incarnations.

We are in Essence, ONE BODY of energy!

This is why prayers like the Ho’oponopono are so effective in bringing about change in the cellular structures of the body, mind and emotions.

The Ho’oponopono prayer does not distinguish,  it simply heals with the understanding that we are all One.

I love you,

I’m sorry,

Please forgive me,

Thank you.

These 4 statements of the Ho’oponopono are equally powerful creative statements in their own right, and they emit frequencies of e – motion out into the field of creative intent and just like the ripples in a pond, they touch everything in their path.

It’s important to keep the momentum going by throwing in more pebbles from time to time to keep up with the intensity of this healing energy.

As you read this message you will gain a deeper understanding of the power of forgiveness and for this I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for allowing me to be the voice of your inner guidance.


Archangel Michael

Your Brother in Unconditional Love

free monthly webinar

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Join us and Archangel Michael on ZOOM as we build momentum for the 7 Sacred Flames here on Earth:

  • Opening Prayer and Intention for the day;
  • Meditation with the Angels to help you move into alignment with your Higher Self, Wisdom & Truth;
  • Receive Energetic Upliftment through the power of the Sacred Flames, Ascended Masters and Angelic Helpers to help you to feel lighter and to brighten your aura;
  • Q & A – Have your questions answered.
Next Webinar 27th October 2024 – The Ascension Flame

Sunday 27th October 2024:

5pm GMT (London UK), 6pm CAT (Johannesburg/Cape Town SA), 12 Noon EST (New York USA/Montreal CAN), 8pm Dubai.



BE the change you want to see in the World!

When we come together in a group we become powerful Co-Creators. Jesus said when 2 or more gather in MY NAME there I AM. 

Through this powerful group soul consciousness we create great shifts for the highest and greater good of all.

past webinars

Notes & Links

Beloved Heart Webinar 29th September 2024 ~ The Emerald Green Flame of Healing and Precipitation

Welcome 🙏

Opening prayer:

Invoke your Shield of Light....

Through the Power of my Beloved I AM Presence, I invoke all around my energy field an invincible shield of light that protects me from any energy that is less than pure unconditional love.

All fear based energy that is projected at me from an outside source is bounced back to its sender automatically through the power of the I AM.

I know that each time I invoke this Holy Shield of Light it becomes stronger and stronger, protecting me, healing me, strengthening me and loving me back into its Radiant Source.

Through its Presence I AM connected above into the great Cosmic Heart of all Creation and below into the Heart of our Beloved Earth Mother, supported and loved in all aspects of my creation, throughout time and space, now and forever.

And so it is. Amen, OM. Thank you thank you thank you Beloved I AM!

The 5th Ray.....the Emerald Green Flame of Healing and Precipitation 💚


Main God qualities and actions of the Fifth Ray:
Healing at all levels, truth, constancy, creation through manifestation, God’s abundance through the immaculate heart of Mary.

Day when is amplified: Wednesday

Corresponding Chakra: Third Eye

Color: Green

Corresponding Stones: Emerald, Jade,  Chrysoprase, Ruby Zozyte.

Chohan of the Fifth Ray: Master Hilarion

His Retreat: The Temple of Truth, Crete, Greece.

Archangels of the Fifth Ray with Divine Complement: Raphael and Mother Mary

Their Retreat: Temple of Healing, Fatima, Portugal.

Elohim of the Fifth Ray with Divine Complement: Cyclopea and Virginia

Their Retreat: Altain Range, China.

About Master Hilarion, A True Master of the Healing Arts…
Master Hilarion comes with wonderful energy and embodies pure, unconditional love. He is ever ready to assist us in our growth and goal of returning from whence we came. One of his primary focuses is that of Healing, reaching out to all who desire his assistance. His healing is all-encompassing and includes the healing of the physical body, as well as the healing of emotions, the mind and Spirit. He is also a teacher of Truth and Science. Hilarion and his Brotherhood are the self-appointed guardians of those blessed children of Earth who have devoted their lives to further the cause of Science, the secrets of Nature and the alchemy of the Fifth Ray.

Embodiments of Master Hilarion…

• Hilarion was the high priest of the Temple of Truth on Atlantis and he transported the Flame of Truth to Greece a short time before the sinking of the continent. The focus of truth he established became the focal point of the Oracle of Delphi, a place where the high initiates of that temple acted as messengers of God under the sponsorship of Pallas Athena for hundreds of years.

• Hilarion was embodied as Saul of Tarsus who later became the Apostle Paul in the time of the ministry of Jesus. He is known for his spiritual encounters with the Christ in that embodiment.

• As Saint Hilarion (290-371 AD), he was the founder of monasticism in Palestine. He spent twenty years in the desert in preparation for his mission before he performed his first miracle. Crowds would gather to be healed from disease and unknown spirits. His life was filled with miracles of healing for everyone who came to see him and he made his ascension in that Life. His gifts of healing were very much those of an adept.

• He built the reputation of a truly great healer, able to bring souls to a spiritual resolution and understanding of their problems. He was also able to heal with the touch of a hand or the command: “Be thou made whole.” He walked in the shadow of his “I AM Presence,” being humble before God and his fellowmen. He gave God the glory for the miracles of healing performed through him. At the conclusion of his work and wondrous life, Master Hilarion finally made his Ascension in 371 AD.

The Temple of Truth

In the etheric realm over the beautiful Island of Crete, surrounded by the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, you will find the Temple of Truth, focus of Master Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth Ray and the Brotherhood of Truth, who serve with him in this particular branch of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

From Master Hilarion 💚💚💚…

This is the precious message I want to convey to all of you today, that to become a “Master of Light” and free yourself from all your human shackles and limitations requires investment in Self. Once you have found the teachings or the books that give you the inspiration and the tools to make your Ascension, you no longer need to shop for more. You need to get busy applying the wisdom from the material and information you already have and forge your mastery with it. Come to us in the retreats during your sleep time. I promise that you will be well received; it will be our great pleasure to teach you and to coach you in the areas you have alignments to make or weaknesses to conquer. We will be happy to become part of your support team on your evolutionary pathway. We have vast pools of knowledge and truth on various subjects of interest, especially on healing and science that we would like to share with you. Those who come are most fascinated with the information and wisdom they can acquire by frequenting our retreat.

About Healing…

Nearly all health problems, no matter what form they take or whatever name they have been given by the medical establishment, are caused by lack of harmony, imbalances and unresolved issues, past or present, in the emotional body. In order to heal the body you must first heal the deep-seated feelings that cause the disturbances. When harmony in the emotional body is restored, the body will align easily and the healing you seek will become permanent. When you wish to heal yourself or assist others, it is important that you first connect with your own “I AM Presence” and your “Higher Mental Body,” and the “I AM Presence” of the person you wish to assist. Express love and gratitude for your and their existence and the lessons life’s experience is teaching you both. Then call upon the Law of Forgiveness for any transgressions of the Law of Love and for the neglect that has been displayed towards your Divine Essence. Commune deeply with your Divine Source, the Governor of your lifestream that is always waiting for your recognition to assist you. Speak to it as you would to your very closest friend. Pour your love into all your bodies and thank your body elemental for its assistance. Call on the Law of Forgiveness for whatever has been the cause and core of your inharmony and call upon the transmutation powers of the Violet Flame with great love, intensity and gratitude. For healing assistance, visualize the luminous presence of Jesus/Sananda, Master Hilarion, Mother Mary, or other Ascended Masters blazing white light or the color required in your auric field. For energy, use the color blue; for love and comfort, use pink; for peace, use gold and pink; for illumination, use yellow; and for healing, use emerald green, pink or violet. Although the main color for healing is green, all colors and all flames have wondrous healing properties. Four Lady Masters govern the healing activities on Earth. They are Mary, the mother of Jesus/Sananda, Nada, the beloved twin flame of Jesus/Sananda, Meta, the daughter of Sanat Kumara and Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion.

The Body Elemental

Everyone in human form has at its service a “body elemental” of great intelligence which animates and controls the mechanism of their physical body. From time to time, it becomes antagonistic toward the form it is assigned to when there is abuse and no love for the body or gratitude towards the body elemental for the dedicated and faithful service it renders. The body elemental is often required to serve the energy of the same lifestream from the time of the first embodiment upon planet Earth until the soul attains Ascension. This body elemental has often been compelled by the Lords of Karma to activate and maintain the physical body it has been assigned to each time the soul takes a new incarnation. It is the body elemental that assists the beating of your heart, activates your nervous system and takes care of the proper functions of the organs and all systems.  The truth is that because of the misuse of free will and the lack of mastery and love over the uncontrolled emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of the soul, these energies create chaos in the physical body. The body elemental is then forced to work very hard to repair such repetitive damage, without ever receiving recognition or gratitude from the soul it serves so faithfully. The same as you like to receive recognition and gratitude for services that you render to other human beings, it is important that you acknowledge your body elemental daily, sending it waves of Love, Golden Light and endless Gratitude. This attitude creates an affinity between you, the body elemental and your physical form for more harmony and better health. The hierarchs of the body elementals are the Elohim Hercules and Amazonia of the First Ray of God’s Will. Before the fall in consciousness, the body elemental of each human did not know imperfection and was trained to maintain your body in perfect health, beauty and elegance. With the misuse of free will and the creation of karma, the body elemental was forced to integrate into the physical body the energies of the karmic debts you have incurred through lack of love, self hatred, violence and negligence in thoughts, actions and feelings. We ask you, beloveds, to express much gratitude, deep love and compassion for your body elemental. Your body elemental will also make its ascension with you and truly desires to assist you fully in this process. This means it will graduate to a higher level of service, which all body elementals desire for their evolution.

Prayer for Fifth Ray Healing ~ Invocation to the Flame of Healing…..

Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Angels of the Healing Flame, Beloved Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, beloved Hilarion and all Beings of Light serving on the Ray of Healing.

I come now before Thy flame to request healing in God’s name.

I stand with my God Presence to be liberated and healed from all physical burdens through Thy Healing Light and Love.

I also ask to be healed from all etheric scars, mental and emotional traumas from this life and from the past.

Flame of Healing of purest green, bless my form and make me whole again!

Pour comfort into my soul and enlightenment into my mind.

I AM God’s Perfection made manifest in body, mind and soul. I AM God’s Healing Light flowing to all life around me everywhere.

I AM the Master Presence charging all my bodies with Love.

Beloved God Presence, as I transform my consciousness, let heaven’s perfection manifest in my daily life more and more each day.

Send thy Ray of Healing upon my soul to remove all etheric scars and make me whole!

I AM within the Presence of Christ that charges me with the Radiant Healing Light until I become the full manifestation of that Light.

Thank you, thank you,  thank you.

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

Amen Om 🕉


💜💜When healing yourself and others you can also invoke the Violet Flame and the energies of compassion and forgiveness into the heart flame or area where there is discomfort or pain. 💜💜

In closing….

A reminder from Paul the Venetian – Beloved children of my heart! I greet you in the Flame of Love. May the blessings of the grace of the Holy Spirit ever find me welcome within your heart, your feelings, and your very soul!My beloved children, proceeding through the veil of human experience, remember, when your feet step upon the ground each morning that the Presence of God is waiting to fill your day with the fullness of your divinity, if you choose to invite it! Remember today, as you read these lines, the Presence of God is waiting to bless each of you with the fullness of the Love and Peace beyond all understanding. Invoke that Presence each day and each hour of the day to be filled with that Love, Peace and Harmony that will grace your lives to experience ease and perfection. 

Q & A…

Card reading from Archangel Michael …

” This situation has already been resolved.”

Archangel Michael this situation is already resolved

A Message from Archangel Michael …

Beloveds, fear not for what you are dealing with presently is already resolved. In the realm of the absolute there is no such thing as time or space – there is only the NOW and as such all that you currently observe in your outer world is resolved with the very best of outcomes. Remember that this is God’s World and He is still very much in control. His Will will prevail as the so called free will of mankind will only stretch ”so far” and no more. If you catch my drift… 🙂 And so shall it be. I AM Michael, your friend, your brother and mentor.

Thank you!!!


Deborah Faith

WhatsApp +27 78 5538350 (South Africa)

Beloved Heart Webinar 25th August 2024 ~ The Pink Flame of Divine Unconditional Love

Welcome 🙏

Opening prayer:

Invoke your Shield of Light....

Through the Power of my Beloved I AM Presence, I invoke all around my energy field an invincible shield of light that protects me from any energy that is less than pure unconditional love. All fear based energy that is projected at me from an outside source is bounced back to its sender automatically through the power of the I AM. I know that each time I invoke this Holy Shield of Light it becomes stronger and stronger, protecting me, healing me, strengthening me and loving me back into its Radiant Source. Through its Presence I AM connected above into the great Cosmic Heart of all Creation and below into the Heart of our Beloved Earth Mother, supported and loved in all aspects of my creation, throughout time and space, now and forever. And so it is. Amen, OM. Thank you Beloved I AM!


You are not becoming multidimensional,  you are not becoming spiritual, you are not becoming love embodied. You are.
That which you seek. You are.

You have just forgotten!

The time is now. Illusion is triggered by ego, the mind fog, uncertainty, the resistance etc., is all ego. Questions, are all ego. Get silent, go within and will find the answers that are most relevant to your knowing. The mind seeks, the heart knows.

The spiritual heart is love. Love is not an emotion, it is a consciousness. To get into its vibratory resonance, repeat silently, I AM LOVE until you feel that higher love infiltrating into your whole being.

Prayer to help you embody love, to experience it:

In the Name of my Beloved I AM Presence, I call the Power of Divine Love to be magnified within my heart and world daily.  I AM Love, Joyous Love, Radiating Love, Unconditional Love!  God consumes my shadows, Transmuting them into Love!  This day, I AM a focus of Divine Love Flowing through every cell of my being!   I AM a living stream of pure Divine Love that can never be re-qualified by fear, anger, hatred, dislikes, and greed! All negative thoughts and feelings are NOW dissolved and consumed by the power of divine LOVE, which I AM!  I AM, I AM, I AM LOVE,  I live in the consciousness of LOVE!  I AM LOVE in its fullest expression,  Blessing all mankind with Divine Love!  I radiate LOVE! I AM LOVE in action, Blessing, Uplifting and Healing all on Earth!  Pause… and if you so wish repeat the prayer several times to enhance your focus and feeling ✨️ 🙏

Remember the power of momentum. Whatsoever you focus your attention on becomes stronger and stronger. Your higher self has the power to instantly transform your life but you must be focused in your high heart, your spiritual heart in order to bring this change into effect.

The mind blocks it. Your work is to stay focused and to build momentum (resonance and coherence) between the higher heart and mind. If you have to stop what you’re doing several times a day to realign yourself, then do it. What you seek awaits you. There is no time like the present. (Present = Gift)

Why would you turn away from this gift? Ask yourself, what is it that I am really resisting? The ego dislikes change, it would rather plod along the old path than seeks new avenues. It fears that which it does not know. ie. LOVE. It knows only human love and human love is flawed. It is temporary,  fleeting and unfulfilling. The ego does not want you to suffer, that is not its purpose. But it creates suffering nonetheless because it knows no better. So don’t resist ego, rather give it your love!! That way you diminish it’s resistant ways and bring wholeness to yourself as a collective consciousness.

The Sacred Flame ~The Cosmic Flame of Divine Love ❤️ The Third Ray The Cosmic Flame of Divine Love

Main God qualities and actions of the Third Ray:

Unconditional Love, omnipresent (everywhere), omniscient (all knowing), omnipotent (all powerful), compassionate, true brotherhood, charity, Love in action, the love of the Holy Spirit, also initiations of the Heart Chakra.

Day when is amplified: Tuesday

Corresponding Chakra: Heart Color: Pink

Corresponding Stones: Rose Quartz, Ruby

Master of the Third Ray: Paul the Venetian, this Master also holds the Office of the Maha Chohan (Grand Master), which represents the Office of the “Holy Spirit” for this planet.

His Retreats: “Chateau de Liberté” situated in Southern France near Marseilles, and Temple of the Sun, New York City, USA.  As the planetary Maha Chohan, he also has a retreat at Ceylon, called the Temple of Comfort.

Archangels of the Third Ray with Divine Complement: Chamuel and Charity

Their Retreat: St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Elohim of the Third Ray with Divine Complement: Heros and Amora

Adama –

“My beloved sisters and family, I love you all so very much. All of us in Telos are so grateful for those like you who wish to understand the mysteries of Love at a much deeper level.

Do not get discouraged Beloveds, your full understanding is evolving, and as you continue to strive to embody this wondrous energy, it continues to amplify within you. One day, not too far away, it will be our great pleasure to finally invite you back among us, in the land of Love and Light.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to talk about Love. Though I am a Blue Ray master, discussing the subject of Love remains one of my favorites.

First of all, let me give you some background. The Flame of Love is one of the Seven Flames of God acting on the planet for humanity. The color of Love extends in great varieties of frequencies, tones and colors, ranging from a very light pink to the deepest golden ruby light, in thousands of love-ray combinations. Love is the glue and the vibration that keeps all of God’s creations functioning together in perfect order, harmony and majestic beauty. Love is the ultimate healer and regenerator. (And redeemer)

It is Master Paul the Venetian who now holds the office of the Third Ray of Love, having himself become the embodiment of the pure Flame of God’s Love on the planet.

The Third Ray is connected to the heart chakra, magnifying the Love of the divine and human Self.  Love’s divine qualities are, among many others, omnipresence, compassion, mercy, charity and the desire to be God in action through the love of the Holy Spirit.  Because of his mastery of the eternal Flame of Cosmic Love, Master Paul the Venetian also holds the office of the Maha Chohan for the planet. In this position in the hierarchy, he embodies at this time the energy of what is known to you as the Office of the Holy Spirit. This is a very complex and wondrous office that could fill many chapters of a book.

There are several retreats or temples of the Love Flame on the planet. We have a beautiful Temple of Love here in Telos, and there are Temples of Love in all the subterranean and etheric cities of Light, not only on this planet, but throughout this and other universes. Paul the Venetian, a Frenchman in his last incarnation, is the guardian of an etheric retreat of the Third Ray below the Chateau of Liberty in Southern France.

He has another retreat beneath the Temple of the Sun (in the etheric over) New York City. There is also a spiritual retreat of the Elohim of Love, Heros and Amora, twin flames of Love, around Lake Winnipeg, in Manitoba, Canada, and another awesome temple created and guarded by the Third Ray Archangels, twin flames of Love, Chamuel and Charity, in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

❤️❤️❤️Let me now speak of Love for a moment, as the only true and permanent force in all creation, and then I will invite Paul the Venetian to address you. Love is not a word. It is an essence, a power and a vibration. It is Life! Love is the most priceless element and vibration in all existence, an eternal dynamic living force. It is the golden chariot that transcends time and eliminates space. Love is the (eternal) primal substance of Light out of which all things are created. It is the unified power which holds all things together. Love simply contains everything. Enough intensity of love can heal and transform everything. Just as there is no real dividing barrier between your human self and your Grand Cosmic Self, there is no real dividing barrier between your human love and your Christ Love. There is only a difference in intensity and vibration. It is human love embodied and amplified a few million times. ❤️❤️❤️

There are those who are embodied who perceive love as a weakness. (That is because they view love from their limited human perspective.)

Love is certainly not a weakness, but the greatest strength. Love is the most important God-attribute that you can cultivate and develop. Its power can endure all things, rejoice in all things and glorify all things. Love is a constant force from which you can draw life’s energies and harmony. Its healing tenderness penetrates all things and enfolds every heart.

When one develops this great God-given faculty of Love, he will have the power to create and bring forth whatever his purified spiritual vision of love beholds.

For those who have perfected the fires of love, fear can no longer exist.

Your higher Self has the ability to transform instantly huge amounts of human negativity into pure Love and Light.

When the acquisition of this great gift of Love becomes the one main goal and desire in your life, when it has become a burning obsession that can no longer be denied, then it will be fulfilled. Such a one becomes the recipient of a Love so great that walls of glory are created around that individual, and nothing less than pure love can ever touch him again.

To those who attain this divine gift of Love, the realms of Light open wide, and all powers are again restored to them. Beauty, youthfulness and vitality in all their divine perfection, power and abundance in majesty, the all knowingness of the Mind of God and all spiritual attributes restored in full measure are the gifts of perfected Love. Pray to God and your divine Presence with all the energy of your heart that you may open yourself to this divine Christ-like love.

❤️❤️❤️Let this love begin to sing as a song of adoration and gratitude in your heart. ❤️❤️❤️

Let your heart be lifted up continually by your heart songs of everlasting joy and gratitude, and this great love will become yours. Wherever you are, all powers and treasures of the higher realms will be restored to you in heaven and on Earth.

These treasures of heaven are the divine gifts and qualities a man develops as he releases the hidden, God-given potentials within Self, within the Sacred Heart, the seat of your divinity. These gifts and powers that God holds forth for all of you are His plan for your full restoration, as divine beings, as He waits patiently for you to fully accept them.

The Christ Light acts as a garment of pure Love, radiating great light, power and beauty brought forth from within.

To give you some idea, most of the souls of humanity at the present time still have the Flame of Love burning in their heart at a level of l/16th to l/8th of an inch.

When the fires of Love within your heart burn a Flame nine feet tall, you will know that you have attained what it takes to finally be carried “home” on “Wings of Light” and be admitted among the immortals. ” ~ Adama

About Paul the Venetian, Master of the Great Ray of Love …….

He is devoted to the Ray of Love and Wisdom of the Heart, which encompasses both the Buddhic Wisdom Principles and the Christ Love Principles.

He works closely with Archangel Chamuel, using the pink Ray of Love to open our hearts through art, music and color.

With the assistance of Master Hilarion, they ensure that new technology and science has creative and artistic input. He also works with sound and colour healing to help restore harmony and transmit to us the Rainbow frequencies of Light.

Transmission from Paul the Venetian……

Beloved brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of Love. May the blessings of the Grace of the Holy Spirit ever find me welcome within your heart, within your feelings and within your very Self.

I ask that you make every possible effort to truly understand the true meaning of Love. In deep gratitude, I now bow before the immortal Threefold Flame of Life cradled within the sacredness of your hearts. The presence of that flame within your hearts signifies to all life everywhere that you are a divine being, that God and the “I AM Presence” are invested in you and have some activity to perform through you, for the expansion of perfection from the Heart of the Creator, as a gift and radiance to bless your fellowmen.

Through the love, which I can direct into your own heart flame, I hope to encourage you to believe that the divine plan will come forth and manifest in your personal life and on this planet as you apply yourself to become “Love incarnate.”

Love should not be qualified with sentimentality, which is erratic and unsettled. Pure divine love is changeless and constant. It is the one virtue of the Universal I AM Presence, into which all the other virtues blend.

Love is the highest expression of the nature of God, and in time, will be the highest expression of man.

Divine love, unlike human love, is not grasping, but giving. The substance of divine love is the power behind creation, as well as the sustenance of such creation.  Divine Love is a natural activity of the expansion of God.

As we go up the ladder of spiritual evolution, there is a constant expansion of light, virtues and gifts of God through every Divine Being who has been created. It has often been said: “All the world loves a lover,” but “human love” is merely a shadow of divine Love.

Divine Cosmic Love knows no barriers and sends forth its pink essence everywhere to enfold the whole planet. When you allow the consciousness of divine love to rule your life, you become a magnet for love, and most importantly, you begin to radiate this love to all life around you.

One way to expand the consciousness of love within you is through the application of the attitude of gratitude. When you express your gratitude to God, to your “I AM Presence” and your Higher Mental Body (also called your Holy Christ Self), to all aspects of the various body systems, to any part of life, you increase and expand your blessings. The law of creation, manifestation and multiplication is fueled and activated by the feeling and expression of gratitude.  As soon as you allow your mental and feeling world to slip outside the presence of your own love flame and divinity, you are apt to feel the impact of others who unwisely do the same. But if you live within that Flame of Love, you will not experience that which would throw you out of balance.

Beloveds, never underestimate the power of your heart flame. When you allow it to be ignited by the fires of your Love, it becomes the power which moves the body as well as mountains. It becomes the blessings that pour from your heart through the glorious voice of your Presence. It is the light that shines so brightly that shows the pathway for others to find love. It becomes the energy that fuels your power centers to create “miracles” of healing, precipitation, teleportation, rejuvenation and every good and perfect gift enjoyed by those of us in the Light Realm. These gifts are yours to own by using the right application of the Laws of Love and Harmony.

The difference between your consciousness and the consciousness of where we presently dwell is the degree of mastery in the “application” of the Laws of Love and all the attributes of God through the power of the Sacred Flames. We learned the mastery of those laws through diligent application over a period of many lifetimes. In your case, with all the tools and assistance you are receiving at this time of Earth’s Ascension, you can accomplish in a few years what took us many lifetimes to attain. In order to fully succeed, you must become passionate about your desire to become Love incarnate through the increase of that fire within your sacred heart. This Love has to become your primary goal, your constant motivation and main reason for being. We can show you the way, we can repeat our admonitions again and again to nudge and encourage you, but we simply cannot do it for you. I can make suggestions and offer you instructions to assist you in recreating yourself, but it is up to you to create your mastery.

If you welcome me in your heart and ask me, I will direct daily into your consciousness the ideas, the beautiful thought forms from the mind and heart of the Creator that have never been externalized before and which will assist you in embracing and becoming the consciousness of Divine Love. [PAUSE TO ACCEPT]

You read above that I brought the Flame of Liberty to the Incas just prior to the sinking of Atlantis. I was also instrumental in bringing that Flame of Liberty to France during my life as Paolo Veronese.

Around the year 1880, from my retreat at the Chateau of Liberty in Southern France, I worked diligently with some of my disciples in France to construct the beautiful Statue of Liberty that was given to America by the people of France. Thus, the Flame of Liberty has been burning bright on American soil ever since.  It is unfortunate that so few Americans today recognize the full meaning behind this wondrous Statue, not cherishing and guarding their freedom the way they should. They are too trusting in the illusion of the “American Dream” and allow their leaders to steal from them the freedoms that their brave fore-fathers fought so diligently to safeguard.

Liberty is not simply the name of a grand statue on the shoreline of New York City in the United States.  The Goddess of Liberty, the being who ensouls that Flame of Freedom for the planet, is also the guardian of that flame. She has gained the status of “Cosmic Mother” of a high level. We, the Masters of the Seven Rays, and all those dedicated to Freedom, work under her sponsorship. Liberty is a “real being” that we honor deeply. She is also one of the members of  the planetary Karmic Board. I have given the name of Liberty to my retreat in France in honor of that Cosmic Mother. May I suggest that you connect with Her heart.

Tips for Regaining Your Natural Beauty, Youthfulness and Immortality…….

Think before you speak, act and feel: If you take time to think before you speak, act and feel, it will enable the elements of your bodies to return to their original beauty, harmony and peace. As soon as the pressure of discord is consciously controlled, the divine blueprint of perfection begins to reestablish itself as your Higher Mental Body (or Holy Christ Self) returns the electrons to their natural orbits and frequencies. Those who come to a state of mastery and peace attain great beauty.

Old Age and Disintegration:

The appearance of your physical body is determined by the amount of Light used within the four lower vehicles—the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. The natural emanation of Light through those bodies forms the protecting wall of your auric field, known as the Tube of Light. When the electrons move more slowly in their particular organ and cells, they draw less light from the Higher Mental Body and the natural resistance of the individual grows weaker. This initiates what you call “aging.”  When you, as an individual, and the rest of the human race learn to remain harmonious at all times and the energies released through your various bodies is always harmonious and joyful, there will be no such thing as old age or disease. This is how, in the very near future, you will start creating your im-mortality increment by increment.

Growing More Beautiful as you Grow Older:

When you learn to raise your vibration to a high level of love and harmony, and are able to maintain this frequency, as a way of life, a state of great beauty and harmony will be expressed within your lifestream. The bodies of ascended masters, angelic hosts, and other cosmic beings are ever growing finer and more beautiful, as the energy pouring through the electrons is ever charged with more light, love and balance.

How to Draw Light in your Body:

You have been taught the importance of drawing from your Presence the Light that is the food of the inner bodies and the only means by which their vibratory action can be accelerated. This is done, beloved ones, through the magnetic law of attraction. Your attention on the object of your desires becomes a funnel for directing it. As soon as you put your full attention on something and pour love into it, you immediately begin to create and bring into your world the substance upon which you directed your attention.  In order to intensify or increase the vibratory action of your body systems, you have but to put your attention upon any Master or your own I AM Presence. While there, you will naturally charge that substance of Light as mechanically as the battery of a car. Simply lie flat on your bed and visualize that Light pouring through all your body systems for five minutes three times a day would greatly accelerate the vibratory action of all your vehicles.

~ I am Paul the Venetian, your mentor of Love and the Lover of your soul!

[Faith….] I just want to say that to differentiate human love from divine love, one could say that human love is classed or experienced as an emotion, whereas divine love is experienced as a consciousness.

❤️ 💙 💜 Meditation……❤️❤️❤️

Meditation Journey to the Crystal-Rose Flame Temple of Love……

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Ask your Higher Self to facilitate this journey for you and with you, and open your heart to make this happen on the inner planes at the highest level possible.

See yourself entering your crystal merkaba and traveling through time and space to the crystal rose temple of Love in Telos. In no time, you arrive in front of a large translucent crystal-rose, multi-layered dome sparkling in a soft rose pink 💗 hue.

Breathe in the fragrance of the crystal rose petals of love floating all around you.

The temple is like nothing you have ever seen in your outer world before. There are no words in the vocabulary of your language to describe the structure, so beautiful and elegant, fashioned by the creativity of the archangelic love of Chamuel and Charity.

Feel the rays of pure Love energy emanate from the central point of the dome to radiate the Love of the Creator hundreds of miles into the atmosphere in all directions.

Walk on the velvety crystal-rose carpet that extends beneath your feet to the doorway of the temple.

As you get close to the entranceway, several angels of the Love Ray, about 12 feet tall, bow to your Light, bidding you entrance.

You are escorted by one of the temple guardians into the temple. This temple is three times larger than the Vatican of the Catholic Church in Rome.

You are taken to an area that will be comfortable for your very own level of heart evolution.

You now find yourself in a long corridor filled with thousands of love-flame angels of all sizes.

These angelic beings vary from the smallest cherubim to the largest seraphim. Actually, all twelve choirs of the angelic kingdom from all dimensions are represented here.

As you walk along the corridor, you notice that there are a large number of fountains that cascade pure Love energy. The energies that emanate from these fountains sing songs of Love and Gratitude perpetually to the heart of the Creator, to the Divine Mother, and to all kingdoms evolving on the planet, in all dimensions. This also includes surface humanity. If you allow it, these melodies of Love can melt much of the dross accumulated in the heart over a long time.

Pause and listen and let your heart merge with the sound of the love pouring forth from the fountains of the Eternal River of Love.

Huge, pure white doves of Love send you their healing radiance.

Take your time to look, feel and observe the wonders of this great love. There is no rush. You are here in a zone of timelessness.

Allow yourself to receive healing from the sweetness of the fragrance of the rose petals and melodies sung by the fountains around you.

The doves also want to connect with your heart to offer comfort on your journey back to the “Sun of your Presence.”

Walking along this corridor of pure magical Love is part of your experience here.

If you have any questions, now is the time to ask your angelic guide. (Pause)

When you are ready, you notice an entrance on the right.

Your guide bids you to follow him into the Hall of the Eternal Flame of Cosmic Love. This Flame, ever so gentle and powerful, stands a hundred feet and more in height and about 9 feet in diameter.

The source of its strength is the power of gentleness. It is blissful, joyous and playful, containing all the many blessings of your Creator.Its gift is limitless.

Take time now to breathe it in even more deeply. Connect deeply with the Flame, allowing it to fill your heart to the brim; and relax in the arms of Love. How wondrous! (Pause)

When you feel that your heart has been filled to full capacity, you can quietly return to your crystal merkaba waiting outside to bring you back to your physical body.

In deep gratitude, thank your guide, your beloved I AM PRESENCE,  and Master Paul the Venetian for the gift you have received today.

When you are ready, open your eyes and come back to your body.

With these words, we now conclude our meditation.Thank you,  thank you, thank you.



Beloved I AM Presence and Christ within my sacred heart, thank you for the radiation of divine Cosmic Love which is infiltrating every cell and electron and particle of light in all of my vehicles. Thank you for restoring my natural health and beauty. Thank you for magnifying the light of love within my heart flame and for radiating all the qualities of the Flame into my outer world. Thank you for restoring strength and vitality to my being and making available to me those gifts that are most appropriate for me at this time. Thank you for strengthening my heart flame so that I can become true love in action here on earth. Thank you for anchoring our heart flames into the heart of Mother Earth and into the heart flames of beloved Helios and Vesta and Heros and Amora.We love appreciate and thank you. Thank you,  thank you! And so it is. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.  Beloved I AM. Amen, Om 🕉 🙏

Card reading from Archangel Michael …

Thank you!!!


Deborah Faith

WhatsApp +27 78 5538350

Beloved Heart Webinar 28th July 2024 ~ The Ascension Flame That Uplifts


Welcome 🙏

Opening prayer:

Prayer for Personal Ascension

In the name of my beloved God-Presence “I AM.” I ask to receive the initiations needed to qualify for Ascension. I call for a great cosmic shaft of Cosmic Purity Flame to remove from my mind, my thoughts, my feelings and my body, and all subtle bodies every vibration of human creation that is impure in substance and less than my Divine Perfection in God.

May the Flame of Purity transmute from my world all remaining negative energies! May the Love of Christ expand in me through the power of the Ascension Flame!

May the Resurrection Flame awaken the memories of my divine blueprint. So that I can be free forever from all discord that I have ever created!

I affirm that I AM Purity in action. I AM God’s Purity established within mind, body and soul. Let me also invoke Purity for every part of Life on Earth. Let me invoke Purity for my family, my friends and for the whole family of God, all Kingdoms and the Earth. And so it is, beloved I AM!

About the 4th Ray – the Pure White Ray of the Ascension

4th Ray Archangels Gabriel and Hope

Elohim of the 4th Ray – Purity and Astrea

Main God qualities and actions of the Fourth Ray:

Purity, wholeness, Christ consciousness and becoming God through the consciousness of the Divine Mother.

Day when is amplified: Friday

Corresponding Chakra: Base of the Spine

Color: White

Corresponding Stones: Azurite, Snow quartz

Chohan of the Fourth Ray: Lord Seraphis Bay

His Retreat: The Great Hall of Ascension Temple at Luxor, Egypt

Archangels of the Fourth Ray with Divine Complement: Gabriel and Hope

Their Retreat: Between Sacramento and Mount Shasta USA

Elohim of the Fourth Ray with Divine Complement: Purity and Astrea

Their Retreat: Near Gulf of Archangels, Russia

Ascension Protocols:

  • This process is one of complete purification and healing of all that is hindering your transfiguration, resurrection and ascension into the arms of God/Love; the restoration of your dignity and memories, so that you live, once again, as divine children of your heavenly Father/Creator, entering the world of “Oneness.”
  • Understand that each dimension represents a certain frequency. The fifth dimension becomes accessible to you when you have attained that frequency in your consciousness and have the ability to maintain it at all times.
  • Live from the heart, talking and acting like a master would, as a way of “being.” Always ask yourself the questions, “What would a master do or say in this and that situation?” Then go within and find the answer. If it is not clear, take a piece of paper and pen, light a candle if you wish, and set your intention to find the answer inside of you. The master within is awake and alert at all times, forever waiting for your recognition.
  • Let go of the third dimensional consciousness of separation, duality, polarity and drama in all its myriad forms. Stop believing in two powers, and giving your power and precious energy to the illusion of this 3D density. Allow yourself to set aside all that you learned so far that has not given you the results you are yearning for. Be ready and willing to learn anew and have the courage to step into the unknown reality of Love and Magic. Recognize that Love is the only true power there is, and start living your life in that vibrational frequency from the inside out.
  • Let go of all judgment and expectations about yourself and others, and how life should be unfolding for you. Allow yourself to perceive and embrace all the wonders and majesty of “YOU” in the splendor of your divinity, and accept the great adventure of letting it unfold and transform in front of your eyes, in deep joy and gratitude.
  • Embrace the banner of humility and the sweet surrender to one’s holy vows. If you don’t know what they are, they are written within your very cells and DNA, as well as in many chambers of your Sacred Heart. Be willing to take the time to go within and investigate.
  • Establish a conscious union with your I AM Presence and the fulfillment of your divine plan. The ascension is the unification, the merging into divine union with your magnificent I AM Presence. In order to embody this glorious aspect of yourself, it is an obvious requirement that you make yourself very familiar and intimate with that aspect of Self you want to merge with. How can you expect to ascend and unify with an aspect of Self that you have not spent the time to know and understand? When we ask people through channeling sessions what ascension means to them, we are amazed at the answers we receive, such as changing dimension, being able to manifest everything, not having to be limited by money anymore, being able to teleport, and so on. Although these become the gifts and results of ascension, they are not its primary purpose. YOU, your level of understanding your divinity and becoming it, brings it forth.
  • Embrace the consciousness of harmlessness by honoring the sanctity of all Life sharing this planet with you, and also the divine right of every person to live here as well.
  • Release old programming running your life and all negative emotions stored in your conscious, unconscious and subconscious memories, including the balancing of all debts incurred towards life. You have already received many teachings on these topics.
  • When individuals believe their debt to be light and they enter into the spirit of releasing it steadily into the sacred fire, they create a great release of joy that flows through their being. The feeling of joy within your consciousness has a tendency to create malleability in the coil of energy that keeps the records of the debts, relaxing tensions within the energetic coils, and freeing the individual to move on more quickly through all initiations with greater ease and grace.
  • The attitudes that most assist anyone to move through the balancing of their shadow creation are twofold. First, adopt, as a way of life, each moment of the day, “as an act of love,” for yourself, for your fellowmen, for the planet, for other kingdoms sharing the planet with you and in gratitude for creation itself. And secondly, practicing the attitude of gratitude will assist you immensely.
  • Nurture and expand a genuine desire for your ascension and immortality, embracing the willingness to walk the path unto the end! Unless you entertain a genuine desire for ascension and immortality, unless you are willing to shed the old ways of living in the third dimension that has kept you and humanity in pain, and walk the path shown to you by the Masters of Wisdom who have tread the way before you, you cannot become a true candidate for Ascension on the inner planes.

The Ascension flame…

This Flame will enter into the elemental substance of the inner bodies, as well as the physical form, and act similarly to “raising agent” when earnestly invoked. As the pure white Flame passes through the substance of the bodies—physical, mental, emotional and etheric—it quickens the vibratory action of the atom, each electron moving more rapidly around its own central pole. This causes the throwing off of the impure, discordant substances around the electron, and quickens the rhythm of all the vehicles. To ascend to the state of self-mastery, God wisdom, peace, harmony, perfect health, limitlessness, and ever-present supply,  we must learn to rely totally upon the Presence of God within the heart. The disciplines of the Ascension Brotherhood are designed to turn the consciousness from the outer world “inward,” until, from within the heart center, the seat of your divinity, there is drawn forth and at will anything and everything which is required to manifest the fullness of your Divine Essence in physical manifestation. All must be purified and transformed through the ascending fires of that royal, dazzling, purifying Flame!

 Ascension Flame Meditation…..

What is an atomic accelerator? For those of you not yet familiar with the atomic accelerator, it is a crystalline seat or chair designed with a technology that creates the frequency of the Ascension Flame for those sitting on it. It will transform your mortal body with all its imperfections and limitations into your immortal solar body of light, with the majesty and splendor that come with it.

Send Ascension flame healing to all distortions around earth 🌎 ✨️ 🙏

The Benefits and the Power of Building Momentum……  “The energies almost double in intensity and beauty each time this sacred ceremony is performed. It affects and helps not only the people participating in the group, but creates a web of Light touching almost the entire planet.” says Adama.

Card reading from Archangel Michael

Q & A

Removing the energy of restriction on your creative endeavors or ideas…… keep it to yourself, do not share your ideas with friends or family until it is well off the ground. Everyone has doubts and doubt falls under the umbrella of fear. Unknowingly they water down your creative ideas and they fall flat. Let your co creators be your I AM, your unseen friends and family in the higher realms who support you unerringly.

Thank you!!!


Deborah Faith

WhatsApp +27 78 5538350

Beloved Heart Webinar 23rd June, 2024 ~ Golden Resurrection Flame


Welcome 🙏
Before we start today, i just want to remind you all that Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael are using their magical healing skills throughout this webinar. If you want this healing then please say yes now.

Prayer for a Forcefield of Protection ……(see Decrees)

May we remember the inherent Power that lives within us, align with it, and begin to utilize the power in accordance with Gods Holy Will for the greater good of all……..And so it is. Amen 🙏 Om

About the 6th Ray….. Gold and purple ray

“Shining in the pulsating ethers over the Holy Land, stands the Temple of Resurrection, whose immortal flame of restoration and resuscitation is guarded and protected by the beautiful Ascended Masters Lord Sananda, Lady Nada and Mother Mary.
This temple is created of a substance which resembles “mother of pearl.” It is circular in design.
The courts, like great cylinder corridors, circle around the Central Flame Room, where the heart of the Sacred Fire of Resurrection is focused.
Here, visitors are charged with renewed hope and spiritual vitality; they are made consciously aware of the truth of “life everlasting” and the miraculous potential that the Resurrection Flame can generate within those who invoke it.
The purpose of this focus is to continue to pour into all levels of human consciousness, emotional, mental, physical and etheric, and all the evolutions that belong to this planet, the reality of the powers of the Resurrection Flame.
Mankind, for the most part, has accepted the resurrection of Jesus as a “miracle” only possible for him and have not used this miraculous flame to restore their own bodies to perfection. Rather, they have submitted to disease, disintegration, decay and finally so-called “death” as natural processes of Life.
However, to keep alive the power of the resurrection in the consciousness of unascended mankind, beloved Jesus/Sananda, Nada and Mother Mary continuously send forth into the atmosphere of Earth that victorious gold and purple radiation from this temple.
The Flame of Resurrection is the hope of redemption for the entire human race, quickening the vibratory action of the light within the cells of the body, and enabling the inner light to throw off the appearance of limitation.
The substance of the Resurrection Flame flows through the inner bodies of those who invite it, as well as through the physical body.

Message from Lord Sananda……
“The simple affirmation, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life, ” was given to me by one of my mentors in my last incarnation prior to starting my public life in the land of Galilee This was such a key for me, and I was so grateful for the gift of this affirmation. With this simple sentence, I built a momentum of the Flame of Resurrection in my inner bodies to such an extent that this very momentum allowed me to resurrect my body after the crucifixion. Say it now aloud or silently in your heart three times…..
( pause)
Now feel the current of hope alive within you, for within your heart you know that there is the seed of a divine plan and destiny waiting to burst forth and externalize itself, to make each of you, step-by-step, a Christed being.
This seed in you is, by far, so much more powerful than the tiny kernel held within the pattern of the crocus or the early violet.
I am Sananda, and together with Nada, we bless you and send you our Eternal Flame of Cosmic Love. Accept from us the gift of the Resurrection Flame and use it to discover its wonderful miraculous producing powers!”

Invoking the Flame…..”I AM the Resurrection and the Life “
(Tip: Ask your I AM Presence to amplify your decrees)

The gifts of this Flame are available to all the children of the Creator at any time, anywhere.
Some people use it for their finances: “I am the resurrection and the life of my finances.”
Others use it for their healing: “I am the resurrection and the life of my perfect health.”
When you start using it, many things will be shown to your awareness for your spiritual growth because before you can receive what you want, you may need to weed the garden of your consciousness.
As you focus on the object of your desires, what needs to be realigned will be shown to you, and as you change your consciousness, your life will change for the better.”

Meditation to the temple of the Resurrection….

Now make yourselves comfortable and prepare yourselves for a short meditation……
Connect in your heart to your “I AM Presence” as you take several slow deep breaths. Ask your light body to descend over you and take you in consciousness to the Resurrection Temple in the ethers over the Holy Land; it knows how to get you there. (Pause).

As you near the temple, you see that it is created of a substance resembling “mother of pearl.”
The temple is circular in design, glowing as a sun from a distance, looking like vapors of pearls and golden sunlight.

Now see yourself there, entering a large room called “The Hall of Resurrection.”
See a group of beings, guardians of the temple, approaching to welcome you and accompany you into the golden hall.

As you stand in the wonderment of this golden hall, you see countless golden Flames of Resurrection in all shapes and sizes burning bright to assist the Earth and all evolving humanity.
Walk around the hall to gaze at all the wonders you see. As you walk, your guide directs you to a specific circle reserved for Earth’s surface dwellers.
The circle is made of Flames of various sizes and shapes that look like different varieties of flower like seats. One of the Resurrection seats is calling you to sit quietly and soak in the energies. Now choose the seat that is calling you.
It may feel like you are sitting in a lotus flower, but it is the Resurrection Flame taking the shape and appearance of a flower.
The golden flame enfolds you completely to raise your energies and bring healing and comfort to your soul.
As you sit and contemplate the wonders of your experience, keep breathing in and absorbing all the energies you can.
Feel it permeating every aspect, every electron and every particle of your being.
Allow yourself to fully feel the Resurrection Flame burst within your body and in each of your cells.
Now take a few minutes to make a conscious request of what you would like to clear and what areas of your life you would like to resurrect the most.
Focus on the unique gift you are receiving today as you are being nurtured and loved by the guides and angels that have accompanied you.
Breathe in more and more…….. because you want to take as much of this energy back with you into your physical body.
Feel your body being imprinted with the Resurrection energy and become aware of how it affects you. Awaken your sensory bodies to feel it more deeply. Feel the joy that it brings to your heart.
Absorb all you can and feel how much lighter you are becoming in your seat.
It feels as though the angels are carrying you on wings of light…….
Consciously set your intention for this wonderful flame to literally lift you up and out of the predicaments you are trying to heal and balance.
Don’t hesitate to invite the Lord Sananda and his beloved Lady Nada and their momentum of the Resurrection Flame to assist you; they are masters and guardians of this Flame.
You can use this Flame to literally resurrect your own body to an absolute divine state of perfection, beauty, radiance, luminosity, immortality and limitlessness.
When you feel complete begin to return to full consciousness. Get up from your seat and allow your guides and angels to accompany you to the entrance of the Hall of Resurrection.
Know that your connection to the Flame will remain.
You are most welcome to return and take a seat in the Resurrection Temple anytime you wish.
You may go every day or as often as you please. There’s no limitations placed upon you here.
Now as you return to your physical body, wiggle your fingers and toes. Take a deep breath…..knowing all is well and as it should be.
And so it is. Amen 🙏 Om

Archangel Card message:
From Archangel Chamuel…. Peace comes from remembering only love is real.

You are not your body! If mankind could just get past this one little “mis-perception” then everything would change in an instant. We are fond of thinking of ourselves as imperfect, only Jesus is perfect etc.., but we ARE perfect, the soul is perfect. Just for today…..Practise seeing everyone as Source energy. We have accepted the belief that we are not our bodies, yet we have difficulty truly seeing ourselves as purity.

Ask Archangel Haniel and his twin flame, Lady Radiant for their help in seeing past the illusion.
Ps.. be sure to scroll down to the very end of the page for his message.

In conclusion….
Decrees are great, affirmations are great, but we are now in a position energetically to LIVE in the Truth of our Being, to experience the Truth of our being, and to embody that Truth.
Use the boomerang effect in your day to day living.  If you can’t see your own beauty, then cause someone else to see theirs. If we all saw each other as beautiful souls then the entire world will change in an instant.

Q & A

Thank you!!!


Deborah Faith

WhatsApp +27 78 5538350

Beloved Heart Webinar 26th May, 2024 ~ Love’s Freedom Flame (The Violet Flame)

Greetings Beloveds!  We welcome another wonderful opportunity to share our light and love with all of you..

Allow me to introduce Anne, my beautiful sister in Montreal Canada. Anne and I have been on this journey together for more than a decade. It was Archangel Michael who brought us together and he continues to be a shining light for both of us.

Opening prayer…

Beloved I AM, please be present with us here in this NOW moment in time. Please surround us in your loving radiant light now and forever. Please help us to open ourselves fully to receiving your loving radiant light energy to the maximum cosmic law will allow for each of us at this time. Help us to become anchors and portals for the Healing Crystalline Light– through the Universal Life Force and Christ Consciousness that exists within each of us. Please keep us within Your loving radiance and if for whatever reason we step outside of it, please remind us to come back into it, so that it may continue to sustain us in every way, shape and form. Please help us to enhance the focus of Your Radiant Light and Presence within our own being…so that we become living portals of Light. And so it is! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! _/\_  Amen. Om.

Intention …
Our highest Intention at this time is to allow the energy of the Ray Masters and Ascended Beings to work in and through us for our own spiritual advancement and for the greater good of all. To use the energy that is available to us from On High, to its highest potential within our own bodies and to allow the energy to build a field of morphic resonance around us, so that everyone we come into contact with is filled with the Light of Pure Loving Radiance.
And so it is. Amen. Om.

I love the Ascended Masters, those Christed beings who have the capacity to hold so much love in their hearts. They radiate so much love and light, they live opulent lives, their homes and temples are filled with precious metals and jewels of remarkable beauty and radiance, and they breathe out golden rays of luminescence wherever they go and to whomever they are called to assist.
Today we work with the 7th ray, the Violet Flame of St. Germain. The Archangel of the 7th Ray is Zadkiel and his twin flame is Lady Amethyst.

The Violet Ray represents the energy of change, alchemy and freedom.
Master Saint Germain is the one who has been upholding the Flame of Freedom for the planet for over 70,000 years. He is an awesome and dedicated master in service to humanity. Saint Germain has stepped in for the next 2,000 years to be the Avatar of the Aquarian age. He is fully supported by the spiritual hierarchy of this planet, this galaxy and universe.

The Violet Flame is a combination of the blue and pink ray. It is not one ray by itself. It is a combination of blue for power and pink for love, uniting the energies of the divine masculine with the divine feminine in a wondrous action of spiritual alchemy.
The main role of the Violet Flame is transmutation, an alchemical term meaning to create positive change.
For example, by invoking and working with the Violet Flame, you can transmute huge amounts of karma or mis-qualified energy from this or past incarnations. Once the energy is transmuted, you never have to deal with it anymore in your present life, because those energies have been erased and forgiven into love and joy with the use of the Violet Fire.
As you work with the energy of the Violet Ray, it radiates and dissolves unbalanced energies in your auric field, as well as your conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds. It can heal many conditions in your life.
The Violet Flame can dissolve karma.
With its energies, you can also create wondrous beauty because it is composed of the power and love frequencies.
Also included in the Violet Ray activity is the Flame of forgiveness and compassion, which are needed to create harmony and manifestation in your life.
There are other attributes of the Violet Flame, such as the comfort flame and the flame of diplomacy (peaceful relationship). These are all Seventh Ray activities. Whenever you create comfort, no matter what form it takes, you engage in a Seventh Ray activity.
The Violet Flame is also known as Loves Freedom Flame. When you gain spiritual freedom, you become limitless, and all the attributes of your divinity are at your command. This is total freedom, not just freedom from one thing.
The Violet Flame is a vital tool for your spiritual progress and evolution.

Calling forth the Violet Ray…..

“In the name of the I AM of my being, in the name of God, I now call forth the action of the Violet Flame of transmutation, of compassion and forgiveness in my auric field, for the cleansing and purifying of every thought and feeling in my solar plexus and in all of my chakras. I ask the action of the Violet Fire to permeate every cell, atom and electron of my four body systems at this point in time and at all times each day of my life, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the healing of all distortions in my energy fields from past and present misunderstandings. I ask the energies of the Violet Fire to start healing all distortions in my physical, emotional and mental bodies. With much gratitude, I now ask for the action of the Violet Fire to manifest in my energy fields in full power. And so be it. Amen.  Om.”

Now sit quietly visualizing it, breathing it in. Using the breath in a conscious and sustained manner brings it into your auric field in a more tangible and creative manner. Then ask the Violet Flame to sustain this activity for the rest of the day and it will continue its action for you while you perform your other daily activities.
The action will continue uninterrupted as long as you remain in harmony.
Whenever you invoke any flame of God and you ask for its momentum to be sustained, its activity will continue until you engage in disharmony in your feeling world. That vibration stops it until you make peace within yourself and invoke it again.
As long as you stay harmonious in your thoughts and feelings, the flame will continue to work. If you come to a situation of disharmony, invoke it again to recover your emotional balance.

Say for instance you are for a moment or two drawn into some or other drama through interaction with your family, a spouse or a colleague and you feel unbalanced, heavy, downhearted….realize at the moment you can once again step into the cleansing energy of the violet fire.

You may want to develop a little song for yourself like ”I am the Violet Flame, I am the Violet Flame, I AM I AM the Violet Flame!”

Or you may want to recite a simple decree, “I am the Violet Fire, I AM the purity God desires!”

Remember the more you visualize it, and work with it, and the more you stay in your heart with it in your meditations, the more momentum it is building for you, in you and in your life.

When you bless a person you have a problem with, a spouse or neighbor, or your boss or someone in your work environment, or a relative, visualize her/him bathing in the love vibration of the Violet Flame. Acknowledge the right of that person to become free of his/her own burdens, and awaken to their full potential. Do this with compassion and forgiveness. Also use the flame of diplomacy (peaceful relationship) in all your interactions with others; because this too is a part of the Seventh Ray activity.
If you start using the Seventh Ray with its many attributes, and have no personal agenda other than wanting the best outcome for all, you will be amazed at the miracles that can manifest in your own life and in the lives of others around you. This is how peace on Earth will become a reality.

Introduction to Adama…..
Adama, the High Priest of Telos, a 5th dimenional Lemurian settlement contained within a sub-terranean area of Mount Shasta in California.

Adama has this to say…..
Most of you are so focused on the end results of what you want that you tend to lose sight of what you have to release in order to let go and let the God within do its perfect work. The various flames of God contain divine intelligence or consciousness. They are aware of the bigger picture and they know what is best for you. There are literally hundreds of thousands and millions of guardians and masters working with each flame. Wanting it your way is like saying, “Well God, I want this, but I want it my way, even if it is ultimately not for my greatest good.” If you insist, do not be surprised if you get it. God always wants to give you the desires of your heart, and you may soon find out that this is not really what you needed.
These flames want to bring forth the most magnificent outcomes in your life, but what you are determined to have is what will manifest. When you are determined to have it your own way, the universe will give it to you and you may find out several months or years later that you missed a better outcome.
Remember, lack of trust was the energy of the original fall of consciousness of mankind, and the experiences you had with that lack of trust have been very painful indeed. This need to always be in charge, instead of being “in allowance” has created much disharmony. The higher aspect of “You” loves you totally and wants nothing but your happiness and to bring you back home to enlightenment and mastery.


What does the Violet flame do?
The Violet Flame will not “just get rid of it.” That is not its purpose. The Violet Flame will help you to learn the lessons behind the karma you have created and it will do so in a gentle manner with ease and grace.

It is your resistance to learning your karmic lessons that creates the harshness in your lives.

How can we use the Violet Flame in our world?
You can make an invocation and say:
“In the name of the great I AM, I call to beloved Saint Germain, to saturate the world with waves upon waves of Violet Fire, to infuse every particle of life, every man, woman and child on this planet in an auric field of Violet Flame to protect and to awaken them. I ask that this action be sustained until perfection is restored. And so be it.”

Don’t forget the animals, the trees, the elementals, the nature spirits and the plant kingdom. The elementals are often in need of your assistance, your love, your support and your invocations to the Violet Flame, in order to be able to maintain balance on the planet. They need it now more than ever during this time of transition. The elementals are very involved with assisting the planet into a higher octave; they are your helpers. The more Violet Flame and love they receive from humanity, the smoother the transition is going to be for the Earth and for all kingdoms living on her body.

Flood the Earth with Violet Flame

In the name of the Great I AM, I call for the Light of a thousand suns from the Great Central Sun, Angels of Violet Fire, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Omri Tas, ruler of the Violet planet. In the name of God, I AM That I AM! Saturate the Earth and all of Her evolution with limitless waves of Violet Fire. I call for the action of the Violet Transmuting Flame and the action of the Will of God to manifest on Earth, now and forever, an ever increasing spiral of Divine Perfection. I call for all discord and activities on Earth that are not reflecting the highest Light and God’s Holy Purposes to be miraculously swept and transformed, by the power of the Violet Flame, into Divine Love and Harmony for the restoration of Earth and Her people into their original blueprint of perfection that was originally intended. Beloved Violet Flame, in the name of God, flood the Earth, Her people and all Her kingdoms with oceans and oceans of Violet Fire until every particle of Life is restored to Divine Perfection. May Peace and Love be spread throughout the Earth! May the Earth abide in the aura of Perfect Love! May the Earth abide in an aura of Peace, Love and Freedom! I give thanks that it is done now according to God’s Holy Will! And so be it, Beloved I AM

Meditation 🙏

Journey to the Violet Flame Temple in Telos

I now ask that you center yourself into your heart and state your intention to be filled with the loving energies of your Divine Presence. Close your eyes take a deep breath and focus your awareness in your heart center……and silently repeat after me, “In the name of the I AM that I AM, from the Lord God of my being, I ask now that every cell, every atom and every electron of my four body systems, all my subtle bodies, every particle of life of who I am in all dimensions and states of consciousness, be totally filled with the wonders and the miracle energies of the Violet Flame of Freedom’s Love. I now ask to be filled again and again, twenty-four hours a day, each day of my life.”

Take a deep breath and breathe it in…..

As you are being filled with the Violet Flame energies, set your intention to come on a journey with your higher self to the beautiful Violet Flame Temple in the fifth dimension in Telos.
This temple has an etheric physical structure, and you can access it in your light body and whenever you focus your intention and attention on it.
In this temple, the Violet Flame burns perpetually, nurtured by the love and devotion of the people living in Telos who are blessing life, blessing mankind and the planet. This is a place where Master Saint Germain spends much time with his twin flame Portia and with legions of Violet Flame angels, recharging and tending the energies of the Violet Flame for planet Earth.

Keep breathing the energy as much as you can, so that you can bring it back with you to your physical body when you return to full consciousness.

Now, see yourself standing in a large circular room with a high ceilings, where the Violet Flame is present everywhere. The walls are made of pure violet amethyst and the floor is also made of amethyst crystal of a smoother texture and lighter color. Piercing through the amethyst wall you see a great number of violet-tone lights that give you the feeling of a mystical starry vision. The room is bright and you see dozens of fountains of all sizes and shapes emitting every possible shade of violet hue in a magical play of colors and tones. The water fairies have great fun playing with these energies; watch how they play joyfully! The flower fairies are busy creating beautiful flowers of all shades of white, gold and violet with this light energy. See them throwing some at you, as their way of blessing and welcoming you. Thank them and join them in their celebration of joy and bliss. Also notice the multitudes of Violet Flame angels tending the Violet Fire with their love and adoration. The Violet Fire is a cool flame and you can stand in it quite comfortably.

There are several chairs in the room, choose the one you are drawn to, where it feels the most comfortable for you. The chairs are made of pure violet crystal that seems to mold itself to your body, and under each one is a flame of violet rising up to enfold you. As it burns up from underneath, it is entering and infusing every part of your body through the lower chakras.

Above you is another flame coming down penetrating your crown chakra and infusing every cell of your body. It moves down through your brain, into your eyes, your ears, your throat and down into your heart center.

As you breathe it into your heart consciously, you are being filled with the Violet Flame of Freedom like never before. Several Violet Flame angels now surround you, pouring cups of love and cups of Violet fire into your energy fields and the various aspects of your life needing healing. The experience is going to be different for each one of you. Keep breathing in the energy.

Now see the Master St. Germain with his Lady Portia and the Lady Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, filling you with their love and imprinting your auric field with the flame of compassion, which is also a Seventh Ray energy. Now imagine your heart opening to receive a greater level of compassion for your own healing and for the healing of those you love. Whatever it is that you feel needs healing in your life, invoke the energies of compassion and forgiveness into it, and allow the energies to make the changes you want to take place.

Stay in that state of bliss for as long as you want.

Realise that in this state you can talk to Saint Germain or Kuan Yin, and set your intentions to completely heal yourself, to heal all traumas of the present and the past. This room is filled with powerful healing energy, and as you sit and bathe in it, you can feel dark energy transformed into Light. Wherever there have been problems, trauma or pain, feel the energy starting to lift and dissolve.
Feel a lessening of density and feel how much lighter you are becoming. Feel the lightness and the sensation of joy infusing your being. As you allow yourself to feel greater joy, you feel less burdened. Allow this lightness, this beauty, this love and power to nurture you. Keep breathing it in. Consciously ask the Violet Flame to make positive changes for you. Sometimes, between your asking and the fulfillment of your request, clearing processes need to take place, but step-by-step you are working towards your victory. Do not feel rushed; take all the time you need. When you feel ready, look around and see your guides, masters and angels smiling at you, willing to assist you if you have any further questions. The angels, by the way, especially those who work with mankind, come here to recharge with the Violet Flame vibration several times a week and often daily. The unbalanced energy on the planet contaminates their forcefield, and so they come here to cleanse and revitalize. You are invited to do the same. Stay here as long as you wish, and when you are ready, come back to full consciousness.

Be mindful of not re-creating in your life through your thoughts, feelings and words the energies you have just transmuted. You are invited to come back to this temple any time you want. The door is now opened to you. Master Saint Germain will often be there for you and his angels will delight in offering their love and assistance.

Now as you come back into awareness, slowly wriggle your fingers and your toes, take a deep breath and when you are ready, open your eyes.

We hope that you enjoyed your cleansing Beloveds!

We love you and are here to serve you whenever you need our help.


In Conclusion…..

I hope now that you a better understanding of the Violet Flame and how you may use it to enhance your life and to create harmony and balance in your world.! If you have any questions, please unmute yourself or simply use the chat box to ask your question.

Q & A


Card from Archangel Michael…..


Thank you!!!


Deborah Faith

WhatsApp +27 78 5538350


Beloved Heart Webinar 28th April, 2024 ~ Living Carefree With Deepak Chopra

Affirmation ~ “I move through my days lighthearted and carefree knowing all is well.”

Could your life use an infusion of gratitude, peace, and calm right now?
Like more space to relax so deeply where time just seems to slow down…
And all of a sudden everything that seemed to be worrying you or causing you stress just ceases to exist?

Those words came through an email I received from Dain Heer recently, but before I opened the mail, I was wondering with my guides about whether or not reiki could help someone in dire need of this kind of peace and calm right now and the answer was YES!!!! Because the reiki master has the tools, so to speak, to go BEYOND fear. Fear blocks a person from hearing divine guidance sometimes and most definitely blocks our communion (in communication) with our Power and that’s where we come in.

So in this time together we’re going to listen to a short meditation by Deepak Chopra specifically designed to combat fear in order to clear the way for living a carefree life and while doing so, Archangel Michael and myself are going to infuse your energy field with reiki.
So sit back, or lie down and receive in joy!!

Meditation infusion >>>

Mantra in this meditation:

Sat Chit Ananda ~ Existence Consciousness Bliss

The POWER is always with you, it over lights your being every second of every day. It showers you with magic and miracles. Why would it do that do you think? Because it loves you!!!!!
Stay in its radiance so that you stay attractive to all of that which you’re wanting to create and manifest in your reality. 

Breakthrough >>>
You can harness your full potential, unleash the inner magician, your inner Power, and allow it to blossom (or burst) forth out into your reality. You’re like a nubile young plant putting forth new stems of growth out into the physical world. You’re deciding on where to place leaves and blossoms on your new stem of growth. How big or small, close or far apart they should be etc… Looking at other plants to see what they’re doing or deciding isn’t going to serve you. YOU need to be deciding how you want to shape your life and ALLOW that to come forth.
Focusing on the outer or the physical blocks or hurdles does not allow you to harness your POWER, all it does is hamper it because the physical is showing you only what you can see with your physical eyes and that is finite.
INFINITE potential comes from a different perspective,  seeing the outcome of where you want to be, what you want to achieve, will bring your potential into play.
How do you unleash the POWER?
Realise anything is possible and believe that you have the INNATE POWER to bring this realisation into fruition or manifestation.

“It is the cause of all perfection of all things throughout the Universe” ~ The Emerald Tablets

My breakthrough experience >>>
22 Years ago at the closing ceremony of my NLP training we were expected to break a thick wooden board with our bare hand. When it came to my turn, I hit the board twice and my hand began to hurt in the process. I realised that if I focus on the board I wouldn’t be able to break it. I had to focus BEYOND the board. (BEYOND THE PHYSICAL) I knew it was possible to break the board because the people who’d gone before me had broken theirs. So I took a deep breath and focused on the power of my breath that I felt coursing through me until I no longer saw the board as an obstacle. I took a deep breath and with my outbreath I brought my open hand down towards the board. To my surprise the board snapped in half before my hand even touched it.
Seeing beyond what you think of as your physical limitation, into UNLIMITED potentiality takes a massive adjustment in perspective but it’s not that difficult once you’ve begun to beat the same drum as your inner being or POWER. To bring this magical POWER into your day to day existence takes dedication and determination and also discipline because it is a whole new experience to the human being, so at first you may have some resistance.  Breakthrough the resistance by exercising determination. To clear the way, remove the cobwebs by breathing.  Breath work awakens the Giant within. Pranayama will help to unleash your unlimited POWER and potential so that it becomes a fundamental part of your existence in day to day living reality.
The moral of the story>>>
You are not alone, you are in cocreation, a CO CREATOR with the hidden (in plain sight) POWER within YOU. You are the director and producer of your own movie!!!
Just like in the movie world, the producer and director have to work closely together, form a relationship together, so is it with you.
Being in physical reality is not meant to be a hardship, it’s meant to be joyful!
Therefore Enjoy!!!

Q & A
How do you know you’ve made a breakthrough with negative or traumatic experiences? Test for any remaining emotional “charge”.
How do we create miracles in our lives?
One of the biggest factors to creating miracles is to surrender, to let go!
We have been taught to expect miracles, but in fact miracles happen when least expected.
Why? Because expectation belongs to mind.
One cannot be in the mind to create miracles.  One has to move beyond the constraints of limited thought and belief before one can draw upon that which has no limitation – the Mind and Power of God, our Source.
Some refer to this as the quantum field.
Surrender is important, trust is imperative.
Know that the best outcome is already working in the background for you.

Personal experience of mine …walking home from the park one day I noticed on the boundary wall of house I’d walked past earlier that day these words written in a huge bold script “Surrender Dorothy”. Go figure….
Nothing is impossible.

Peace comes from remembering only love is real… the rest is a dream! When you view life from that perspective (or dimension), it becomes easier to let go and surrender.

Thank you,

WhatsApp +27 78 5538350



decrees & invocations

For Personal and Planetary Healing & Transformation

For Harmony in Families

Mighty I AM Presence, Great Host of Ascended Masters, Mighty Legions of Light, Great Angelic Host, Great Cosmic Beings and Great Cosmic Light!

Come Forth in your Mightiest Power of the Violet Consuming Flame!

Blast forever all and its cause and effect that causes discord or unhappiness of any kind between parents and children, husbands and wives, and in all family relationships!

Replace all such activity by the Ascended Masters’ Feeling of Loving Cooperation and Complete Freedom by the Divine Love which transcends every human concept, and with the Power of a Thousand Suns, release the Eternal Victory and Freedom from within Its Heart, Self sustained and ever expanding.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Beloved I AM,

And so it is.  Amen. OM.

For a Forcefield of Protection

In the name of my Beloved I AM Presence, from the very Heart of God, I invoke and invincible shaft of God’s First Ray of Protection to be placed over me.

Let it surround every cell, atom of my Being, encapsulating me in an invincible forcefield of God’s Will and Power.

Let this shaft of Sapphire Blue Light expand into my various bodies and all of my chakras.

Cut me FREE from anything that is less than the Highest Light within me. Let the Blue Flame guard my Forcefield of Protection daily and hourly.

I know that I AM absolutely protected at all times and in all places.

I express my deep gratitude for all assistance given to me always.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Beloved I AM,

And so it is.  Amen. OM.

the Prayer of Surrender by Master El Morya

Beloved Father Mother God, into your hands I commend my Being. Use my love, my thoughts and my life in selfless service to Thee. Release me from all that hinders the fulfillment of my holy purposes and ascension. Teach me to be kind in the ways of the Brotherhood of Light. Direct and establish my lifestream in ways that daily and hourly, my true identity in God is manifest.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Beloved I AM,

And so it is.  Amen. OM.

Prayer for Divine Unconditional Love

In the name of my Beloved I AM Presence,

I call upon the Power of Divine Unconditional Love to be magnified within my heart and world hourly and daily.

I AM Love, Joyous Love, Radiating Love, Unconditional Love!

God consumes my shadows transmuting them into Love!

This day I AM a focus of Divine Unconditional Love Flowing through every cell of my Being!

I AM a living stream of Divine Love that can never be re-qualified by fear, anger, hatred, dislikes and greed.

All negative thoughts and feeling are NOW dissolved and consumed by the Power of Unconditional Divine Love which I AM!

I AM I AM I AM Love!

I live in the consciousness of Love!

I AM Love in its fullest expression,

Blessing all mankind with Divine Love.

I radiate Love, I AM Love in action,

Blessing, Uplifting and Healing all on Earth!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Beloved I AM,

And so it is.  Amen. OM.

Claim a Healing Miracle in Your Life

In the name of the Light of God that never fails, I accept a healing miracle in my life this day. I claim a miracle in every level of my being. I claim a miracle of Love for my full Resurrection. Beloved Father Mother God blaze forth your miracle of Light now. Infuse your miracle of Light on Earth now. I call for an Ascended Master healing miracle in my heart, in my chakras and in my DNA. Blaze forth the miracle Light of the Holy Spirit everywhere in my being where healing is needed. I declare that I AM a miracle of God this day. I AM a blazing miracle Light from the Great Central Sun resurrecting me back to my true identity in God. Blaze the miracle of Light through me now!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Beloved I AM,

And so it is.  Amen. OM.

additional resources

For Healing & Transformation

The Ho'oponopono Prayer For Self Love & Radical Forgiveness

Sandra Rolus is a Sedona based Timeline Trauma Release Facilitator and Teacher Trainer. She believes in her work with the Ho’oponopono and has series of very useful and powerful YouTube videos.



Channeled Messages of Love & Inspiration

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