Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Children of the Earth, it is I, Archangel Michael, come to bring forth this message to you in this time and space to guide you in new ways of being and how you may create your New Earth.

Firstly it is important that you realize that your world is of your creation.  Your tomorrow is created NOW, in this moment.

You are co-creators with your brothers and sisters, and by this I mean every child walking the earth today and those coming in of a new generation.  Every child in your generation is a co-creator with you and together you will learn to stand together in unity – you will learn to stand together in common ground and purpose, not just in your own country, but in all countries. You will learn that the only way to create a world for the New Earth to emerge is to stand together united as one in unity consciousness. This togetherness is how you will unleash into your physical reality the Great Power that exists within you when you are focused in love and not fear.

This great power is the Love of God.

Know that separation is an illusion as you are not in any way shape or form separate from anything, therefore when you hurt someone or something, you are also hurting yourself and the Whole. When your big toe gets stomped on you feel the pain in your whole body do you not?

So is it with the Earth. What one does affects the Whole entity.

Think therefore in terms of “we” instead of “me”, for your thoughts, words and actions have creative power and set forth your intent out into the world of form.,

Think in terms of the Whole and let go of all thoughts of separation.  

Think of how you can become contributors for the greater good of all.

Children of the world your purpose is to ultimately become united – without borders, without constraint, without fear, but with universal love and compassion for all life forms here on Earth.

 Love does not work alone. Love works only in unity, this is why it is so powerful. One candle casts a mediocre light, but a room full – or better still, a mansion filled with candles casts a light that reaches many.

Higher dimensional – advanced beings – work together always. This is why the energy of 2 or more gathered together is so much more pronounced and therefore powerful. Your scriptures speak of this.

Realize that division does not create unity, it never has and never will. Instead it creates animosity and wars. This is reflected in your outer world as you look around you today. There is no mine or yours. There is only ours. This you will realize still as you continue to grow in unity. To be of one mind, one heart is the common goal of all. Serving only the greater good!

Learn to work with the Earth, with Nature and the Animals, and learn to communicate with all these intricate parts of yourselves, for you are ONE with everything. This concept will unite you as co-creators of the New Age, a New World united in Love, Peace, Prosperity and Joy!

At first you will form small communities and then your communities will unify in their energetic imprint for your future world and the generations to come.

Train your minds to think positive thoughts. Realize that for now there are players in the field of creation and realize that in your current world  there are those who are still playing out the roles that they have chosen to live out in this incarnation. This does not make them “good or bad”.

Rise above the thought of “good/bad” for this is judgment and does not serve you. This is simply polarity (the law of opposites) which has to play out and come to its natural conclusion.

Blame, judgement and criticism have no place in the new world you are co-creating. When you apply your energy in this way you are only creating more of the same. Positive energy is so much more powerful than the negative, and will keep you from being buffeted by the ensuing stormy seas which will for the time being, play out its role around you.

Know that peace of mind, true everlasting power, joy and love can only come from staying focused within your hearts – and on the fountain of love that lives there. 

Learn to meditate on this love and become one with it.

Train your human eyes to look past the imperfections and you can do this by focusing on the beauty within all things. At first you will only see the illusion, but with persistence and due diligence, the beauty will begin to show itself to you.

There in the beauty you will find the Essence of God, and in the Essence you will find your Truth and know that Love is all there is.

Love is the Only Way. Always was and always will be.

Any other path will lead to nowhere.

Now is the time to take a giant leap forward in consciousness and to stand in your power as spiritual beings, created in the image and likeness of God, choosing to be here on Earth wearing a physical body, in order to become co-creators, in love and in unity consciousness with the Creator himself.

Know that you are loved and supported in this great Unification process. Enjoy the journey, for it is in the unfolding of it that the true magic of Life is revealed.

~ I AM Archangel Michael, your Brother in Unconditional Love.


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