Image by TyliJura from Pixabay

Beloved Hearts,

It is with great pleasure that I share with you where we are standing currently as a Collective and what this new 2025 year could mean for Humanity and Planet Earth.

Presently the Collective on Planet Earth is awakening at an alarming rate, so don’t be fooled into thinking the opposite is true. It may look on the outside as if chaos is ensuing but quite the opposite is true. There is a saying that goes like this: It is darkest before the dawn!

There is much clearing taking place now. The awakened ones are being given the opportunity to purge and shed much of the shadow self that has been inhibiting their spiritual growth. Never before has there been such a massive influx of energies from Heaven above to sustain such a radical shift, but now the awakened ones are in a position to hold this Light and anchor it appropriately for a radical shift to take place. This anchoring of the Light is also helping others to awaken and shift into higher perspectives.

Anchoring Light is an important job because Gaia is directing this energy through her leylines and along the grids that feed the Ascension portals (openings) that will cause Planetary Ascension into her 5D body.

And so you will witness radical weather systems, volcano activity, rising sea levels, earthquakes etc. These are all due to Gaia’s release of all that does not serve her evolution. And what happens with Gaia also happens with her Collective. So you will witness the Awakened Ones becoming brighter in their aura’s and many others also shifting in their perspective.

Areas where there has been conflict have to ‘clean up their act’ as well and so you will see this cleansing manifesting as wars between nations and tribes who have been in conflict for generations and generations. This may also be manifesting in personal relationships and in families who have a dysfunctional history.

So upheaval is happening on a rather large scale presently. Some of the Awakened Ones and those awakening may feel as though they are in a “pressure cooker” and become overwhelmed, but we in the Angelic realms urge them now more than ever to stay in Presence – in the Light – and in the NOW. This is of utmost importance and we cannot stress this enough.

While it feels as though you are losing ground so to speak, you gain ground and the stability needed now to find your footing through the Power of your I AM Presence and being in alignment with it.

In 2025, there is the energy of culmination – an ending of an era or chapter – so that the NEW can be manifest. Much of that which has remained unresolved in the past will now be seeking resolution.

And the good news is that with resolution comes freedom because so much ‘space’ is opening up for the new energies to fill up. So we will see the Awakened Ones reaching new Spiritual highs as they come into the gifts they have been waiting for and working towards for so very long.

So Beloved Hearts this is good news! The Collective has a wonderful new opportunity to create a magnificent outcome for itself in 2025.

As Awakened Ones, Light Bearers and Wayshowers, you can amplify this Shift by calling in the Light, holding the Light within and then anchoring the Light. I have given this mantra to my scribe to share with you:

“I call in the Light, I hold the Light, I anchor the Light!”

Repeat this mantra with INTENTION that your I AM PRESENCE work with you in co-creation to build up your own personal Light quotient and the Light Quotient of the Planet as a Whole Entity.

Remember that repetition with intention and awareness creates momentum with a monumental outcome.

NOW is the time!

I want you to know, I hold you in my Heart and I love you so very much. You have so much support, so much love and so many hearts now that are aligning with your heart flame Beloveds. You would be AMAZED if you knew!

~ I AM Archangel Michael, your Brother of Peace, Love and Light, and Representative for the Angelic Kingdom.​


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