Archangel Michael Channeling for Children of the New Earth

Archangel Michael Channeling for Children of the New Earth

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Children of the Earth, it is I, Archangel Michael, come to bring forth this message to you in this time and space to guide you in new ways of being and how you may create your New Earth.

Firstly it is important that you realize that your world is of your creation.  Your tomorrow is created NOW, in this moment.

You are co-creators with your brothers and sisters, and by this I mean every child walking the earth today and those coming in of a new generation.  Every child in your generation is a co-creator with you and together you will learn to stand together in unity – you will learn to stand together in common ground and purpose, not just in your own country, but in all countries. You will learn that the only way to create a world for the New Earth to emerge is to stand together united as one in unity consciousness. This togetherness is how you will unleash into your physical reality the Great Power that exists within you when you are focused in love and not fear.

This great power is the Love of God.

Know that separation is an illusion as you are not in any way shape or form separate from anything, therefore when you hurt someone or something, you are also hurting yourself and the Whole. When your big toe gets stomped on you feel the pain in your whole body do you not?

So is it with the Earth. What one does affects the Whole entity.

Think therefore in terms of “we” instead of “me”, for your thoughts, words and actions have creative power and set forth your intent out into the world of form.,

Think in terms of the Whole and let go of all thoughts of separation.  

Think of how you can become contributors for the greater good of all.

Children of the world your purpose is to ultimately become united – without borders, without constraint, without fear, but with universal love and compassion for all life forms here on Earth.

 Love does not work alone. Love works only in unity, this is why it is so powerful. One candle casts a mediocre light, but a room full – or better still, a mansion filled with candles casts a light that reaches many.

Higher dimensional – advanced beings – work together always. This is why the energy of 2 or more gathered together is so much more pronounced and therefore powerful. Your scriptures speak of this.

Realize that division does not create unity, it never has and never will. Instead it creates animosity and wars. This is reflected in your outer world as you look around you today. There is no mine or yours. There is only ours. This you will realize still as you continue to grow in unity. To be of one mind, one heart is the common goal of all. Serving only the greater good!

Learn to work with the Earth, with Nature and the Animals, and learn to communicate with all these intricate parts of yourselves, for you are ONE with everything. This concept will unite you as co-creators of the New Age, a New World united in Love, Peace, Prosperity and Joy!

At first you will form small communities and then your communities will unify in their energetic imprint for your future world and the generations to come.

Train your minds to think positive thoughts. Realize that for now there are players in the field of creation and realize that in your current world  there are those who are still playing out the roles that they have chosen to live out in this incarnation. This does not make them “good or bad”.

Rise above the thought of “good/bad” for this is judgment and does not serve you. This is simply polarity (the law of opposites) which has to play out and come to its natural conclusion.

Blame, judgement and criticism have no place in the new world you are co-creating. When you apply your energy in this way you are only creating more of the same. Positive energy is so much more powerful than the negative, and will keep you from being buffeted by the ensuing stormy seas which will for the time being, play out its role around you.

Know that peace of mind, true everlasting power, joy and love can only come from staying focused within your hearts – and on the fountain of love that lives there. 

Learn to meditate on this love and become one with it.

Train your human eyes to look past the imperfections and you can do this by focusing on the beauty within all things. At first you will only see the illusion, but with persistence and due diligence, the beauty will begin to show itself to you.

There in the beauty you will find the Essence of God, and in the Essence you will find your Truth and know that Love is all there is.

Love is the Only Way. Always was and always will be.

Any other path will lead to nowhere.

Now is the time to take a giant leap forward in consciousness and to stand in your power as spiritual beings, created in the image and likeness of God, choosing to be here on Earth wearing a physical body, in order to become co-creators, in love and in unity consciousness with the Creator himself.

Know that you are loved and supported in this great Unification process. Enjoy the journey, for it is in the unfolding of it that the true magic of Life is revealed.

~ I AM Archangel Michael, your Brother in Unconditional Love.


Archangel Michael Message for Humanity in 2024

Archangel Michael Message for Humanity in 2024

Image by PIRO from Pixabay

It delights me once again to be of service and to positively enlighten humanity at this time of the dawning of the New Year 2024.

Firstly I would like to say that humanity has never had so much potential for growth and expansion beyond its limited and very narrow minded perception, as it has now. The energy is ripe for change! What I mean by this is that so many of you have had sudden awakening during 2023. You are embracing your inner guidance and opening your hearts to a newer and more advantageous way of being. You are embracing each other and supporting each other in ways that have never before been seen, and in a sense duality is once again serving its true purpose. In the opposites you are observing a way of being that is no longer serving you as the Collective, and you are choosing a different way, some consciously, and others unconsciously. Whether you are conscious of this choice or not, it is happening because it has been decided at a higher (deeper) level that it is time.

The collective of Ascended Masters together with the Angelic Leagues and E.T.’s who serve here on the Earth are being called upon more and more which shows us that humanity is in the process of realizing that they are not just physical beings having a limited human experience, but metaphysical beings involved and inter-woven on many different levels (dimensions) of being Life embodied, having a physical and non-physical (in form and out of form) life experience with Creation.

These beings including the angels are all involved in the “Earth Experience” because we are indeed YOU! We are higher aspects of you and so your growth and expansion affect us as well as we continue our spiritual evolution. That being said, are you shocked to hear that you could be an Ascended Master, an Angel or an E.T. on some level (dimension)? Don’t be. For those of you who have been on this pathway of inner expansion for some time, would have this knowing already. More and more it is being revealed to you as you devote more time to knowing yourself through time spent in silent and contemplative meditation with your Inner Being and Light.

Have I not guided you before many times to go within your Sacred Heart?

Beloveds, this is where you will find all the answers. This is where you will find your fountain of youth, of wisdom, creativity and the keys to opening the doorways to your innate spiritual gifts!

So in 2024 as you move closer to the knowing and experiencing of your greater human potential, I leave you with this thought:

We have never loved you more!

We have never felt so close to you as we do now! And indeed, we are closer than you think!

Never Beloveds are you out of our focus of vision. You are at the center and very core of our Being and without your Light and your focused intention for bringing about the Christ Consciousness within this physical reality and within a designated time period, it will simply not happen. Your focus and intention make it so.

So now do you understand why we are so invested in you? Awakened humanity forms the core of a new Consciousness – the Christ Consciousness which is the Oneness and unconditional Love Consciousness being made manifest on physical Earth at this time and we are so grateful and delighted each and every time one of you takes time out of your busy day to be with us in meditation and in your daily practice of going within. These seeds were sown 2000 years ago Beloveds.

This is an exciting time for all of us! We look forward to staying in contact with you and sharing our thoughts and observations with you.

You are so loved. Feel it, breathe it in and express it!

~ I AM Archangel Michael, your Brother in Unconditional Love.

2023 New Year Message from Archangel Michael

2023 New Year Message from Archangel Michael

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Beloved Hearts,

As Earth and her collective move into a more positive vibrational status it is becoming easier for humanity to hold a higher (heart-based) perspective for the greater good of all. While some may still appear to be “sleeping” know that all is as it should be.

There are certain roles that have to be played out fully so that the lesson be learned in order to fulfill a soul’s mission and also the mission of the Collective as it moves towards achieving its highest outcome. It is also important to realize that there is nothing good or bad about this, so it would behoove humanity to be in a state of ALLOWANCE, allowing all to occur that is occurring. Also letting go (surrendering) any particular individual outcome, and just being open to the surprise the Universe has up its proverbial sleeve, is something humanity would greatly benefit from now!

This involves cultivating TRUST and having FAITH in one’s own POWER.

These are another two great qualities humanity is in the process of remembering/learning and bringing itself into alignment/resonance with!

Know that there is a greater POWER at work here in the collective sense and also on an individual level. No one is “lost” just as it is true that no soul needs “saving”. That being said, it is a great honor to be able and willing as a Soul to spread its Light! This is your initiative and prerogative.

The Soul does have great power and your Light is greater than you can even begin to imagine, and your field or circle of influence is infinite.

There is nothing you cannot do and nothing you cannot will into being, and bring into manifestation. As long as it is for the greater and higher good of the collective work being done here – and therefore in accordance with the Higher Will (God’s Holy Will).

All is Whole, is was and always will be.

So in answer to your question – what could you do or concentrate your effort on for the benefit of all?

BE in your Heart always – in so doing you are also cultivating a most precious energetic alignment with your Higher Heart/Self – and also the Higher Heart/Self of the Collective as a Whole.

Go with the Flow! This involves surrender and allowing all to unfold effortlessly and naturally.

Let every decision/action/thought/word be made from the heart.

The level of Being-ness, this next level of Reality humanity is aspiring towards, is Heart-based. Therefore this means that all judgment / criticism and thought patterns coming from the lower mind, must be pivoted (turned around) towards that which is in resonance with a heart-based reality. This happens first with the self, then within the collective.

Once again may I remind you that your circle of influence is infinite.

It has been a joy to once more serve you!

~ I AM Archangel Michael, your Brother in Unconditional Love.

Channelled by Deborah Faith

2022 Message from Archangel Michael ~ Stand in your Power as a God Created Being of Love and Light!

2022 Message from Archangel Michael ~ Stand in your Power as a God Created Being of Love and Light!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Beloved Hearts,

The world of illusion will always project mass consciousness, until at such point, the axis begins to shift and the light begins to BE the dominant factor, then the mist of the illusion shall become ethereal and begin to dissolve into nothingness.

At this point in Earth’s trajectory – time line – humanity is perfectly on track!

Did you know God and Humanity are in this together?

In the Gardens of Eden there was a time when angels walked along-side humans and this time shall come to pass again. Only this time, it shall endure, for Earth has served her purpose, and those who have chosen to incarnate with her in this game of mists and illusion.

There are still those caught up in the illusion and this is not necessarily a ‘bad’ thing because while there are those who are still choosing fear over love, there has to be those who still remain in the shadows so to speak to play the part of the villain – the rogue, the scoundrel, the anti-hero.

Remember time serves you. Ultimately All in Divine time.

Humanity is currently on a mission to becoming re-acquainted with the Truth of the Self – The Truth of your BEING.

So then you may want to question:

Who are you? What is your primary purpose for being here? Do you know that you are divinity(love) incarnated? Do you live this truth in every moment of every day? Is your divinity emanating its Presence through you in everything action, word and thought? How well do you know this part of you?

This is the part of you that is invisible to the human eye but is not separate from you.

This part of you exists in your feelings – in your emotions.

In this 2022 year make it your mission to rediscover who you are.

Build a friendship with your God Self. Learn to deeply love and trust your God Self. This deep level of trust is what will serve humanity and the future you are all co-creating for a new reality, a New Earth where freedom reigns supreme. A New Earth where Peace, Love and Joy are the natural state of Being.

Let your eyes be opened in awareness – this is what it means to live in coherence – in unity versus separation.

Learn to turn within for the peace of mind, for the assurance, for the comfort, for the feeling of complete-ness.

For this to occur humanity must surrender – let go of the old ways of being in order the new energy which is love, peace ,freedom and joy to become fully established on Earth.

Let me also say that this process cannot be thwarted. Nor can it be contained. It is inevitable. It is decreed by God and so shall it BE.

And let me also say that resistance is a part of this process because the more you let go of the old ego, the harder the fight (of the ego) becomes. And this is how you will know, you are making progress!

More and more the shadows will come forward to be obliterated – demolished and eliminated. This is evident in the world – but do not let it throw you off balance – for it serves a purpose.

When the shadows show up, you are given another blessed opportunity to express the Truth of your Being – to express the LOVE that exists at the center and core of you.

Humanity are in the process of reaching a higher level of awareness. This higher level of awareness will keep building up – raising the Light quotient of the Planet which has a reverberating effect on everything and everyone. This is known as the domino effect. What touches one, touches another.

What is it that you can do to bring about this shift sooner rather than later?

Open your heart to Love and allow yourself be envelop the Love that is there for you.  Feel it, live it, breathe it! In every moment, do this. Then visualize your Love and Light emanating from every pore of your being and see everything it touches becoming infused with Light.

You ARE Light. You ARE Love. KNOW THIS.

The path of freedom is paved with Love.

To keep yourself in alignment with your Truth it is essential that you ‘plug in’ to your Inner Being – your God Self on a regular basis. Ask to FEEL this divine Presence always and in every way. Move with it. Live in it. Breathe it. Express it.   It will give you strength, it will give your courage, it will protect you, heal you, support you in every way, always. Allow it to come forth from within you.

There is no other way. The Avatars have taught and demonstrated this Truth.

Love IS the Great Redeemer. The Great Healer, the Great Transformer.

The time is NOW for humanity to know itself as Love, through compassion, through kindness, through temperance.

Keep your focus high – aim high! Look to the Stars, and you shall see your Self.

~ I AM Archangel Michael, your Brother in Unconditional Love.

channeled by Deborah Faith

Inspiration for 2021 through Archangel Michael and the Archangelic League

Inspiration for 2021 through Archangel Michael and the Archangelic League

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


As you move out of 2020 which has been one of the most tumultuous years experienced in the last century on this Planet, it will come as no surprise to you I’m sure to hear that 2021 proposes an even more of a (dramatic) shift in consciousness – not only for you, but for all mankind. Therefore, it would not come as a surprise that we (your Angelic guides) wish to remind you that no matter what transpires here in this Earth time/space reality, that God is always in charge. This is not a willy, nilly (woo woo) Universe that runs on its own steam. It is an organized and structured playing field in which we get to experience an extraordinary Life. All of us are in this together. Did you know that? Even the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, and your Celestial Sisters and Brothers who are known as the extra-terrestrials on Earth, are in this journey together. We are all on a path of awakening and expansion into higher and higher levels of consciousness. There is truly no end! Indeed….was there ever a beginning? [smile]

Please remember to remain non-attached to the so called crises (dilemma) / drama being played out around you and all over the world. As you know it is all illusion, a stage set with which you can experience Life in this playing field of physical reality.

Non-attachment and acceptance is key – accept all and reject nothing – that is the way to Peace, and it is the way to move beyond the illusion of duality. Non-attachment does not mean that you become uncaring of the situation unfolding, rather it ensures that you remain (that your energy remains) intact and strong, enabling you to serve humanity/mankind in a more strengthened and meaningful way.

Fear has always had the biggest stronghold over man (hu-man) kind. As we speak, fear is being de-structured – it is falling apart, dis-assembling itself, as more and more people awaken and more Light is shining off the surface of the planet. It may seem the other way around sometimes, but this is just what the media is paid to represent. The truth of the matter is that many are awakening, and that the Earth is becoming flooded with Light. It can be no other way, for it is time now for the illusion to become evident so that it can be dissolved and all can becomes clear and transparent.

The Earth it a sight to behold we tell you! AS more and more flames are lit on the surface of the Earth, she becomes a beautiful sight indeed!

Follow your heart always and remember to remain tuned into your God Source/Presence, and you will remain as promised in the radiance of the ONE HEART where only Truth exists, where you can see & perceive with clarity and where you can achieve Oneness with the Infinite Intelligence that abides within you.

Love remains the only WAY and the TRUTH. This is what humanity is now remembering individually and collectively.

We love you and support you as always. You are an integral part of Creation and you are doing an excellent job!


Card Reading channeled by Deborah Faith